Friday, February 18, 2011

Know Types of Motors Based on Rotation

Motor is a device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The working principle of the electric motor is using the Lorentz force, the force that makes an electrically charged wire moving if brought near to a homogeneous magnetic field. 
see in the picture above the wire will be curved if electrified, well that makes wire Lorentz force becomes curved upward. Then if electrically charged wire made into coil and the coil is located inside a homogeneous magnetic field then the coil was going to spin. In a rotating electric motor part dsebut rotor and the stationary part (stative) is called the stator, the rotor part is there are coils which cause the rotor to spin. 
More and more the coil is the faster rotation rotornya. Electric motors are grouped into several types depending on how the rotary motors are:

* DC motor
* Stepper motor
* Servo motor  DC Motor is the motor that spins at an angle of 360 degree continously alias. Dc motor (as the name suggests) is controlled using a DC voltage. The greater the DC voltage DC motor connected to the faster rotation of the motor also, but remember not too much exceeding maximum voltage DC motor, if that happens then the spool on the rotor DC motor will drop out due to burning. 

DC motors are usually found in children's toys, tape recorders and photocopies machine (large DC motor)
>> Stepper Motor is the direction of motor rotation per step or "step by step". To control is needed more than 2 pins. Unlike DC motors, stepper motors are on the rotornya consists of a solid magnet while at the statornya there are several coils. 

How to control the stepper motor is to provide the voltage on pin pins are available for example in the picture above is on pins a, b, c and d. In order for stepper motor rotates the process of buffering the voltage on pin pin is alternately tersebur. Turnover stepper motors have 2 types of management measures (full step) and half-step (half step).
1. Fullstep The following is the logic that should be given to the stepper motor that can rotate with full-step mode.
a b c d on off off off off on off off off off on off off off off on
2.Halfstep The following is the logic that should be given to the stepper motor that can rotate with half-step mode.
a b c d on off off on on on off off off on on off off off on on
Stepper motor is usually found on a photocopy machine, floppy disks etc.

>> Servo Motor is a dc motor are given feedback circuit (Servo) so that the servo motor can be controlled. To control these servo motors using pulse width modulation or PWM. Here's a comparison between PWM and servo turning angle. 

Usually the servo motor has 3 pins that is gnd, vcc, and data to PWM. 

If disassembled servo motor has three components namely - DC motor - Gear Boxes - Feedback circuit Advantages compared with servo motors, DC motors of other types are: - Servo has a strong torque - Easy to operate with only 1 data point - Cool Servo motors are usually used in modeling the aero planes or helicopters toy helicopters.

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