Thursday, March 12, 2015

Facebook Delete 'Feeling Fat'

Social network Facebook finally remove emoji 'feeling fat' or 'feel fat' from the list emojinya after protests by thousands of people in the world through a petition on web pages.

"The decision was made by Facebook Tuesday night (10/3) following a campaign in eight countries led by activist observers Endangered Bodies physique, most of whose members are having problems abnormal eating habits (eating disorder) and the shape of the body," said Director of Communications Change Pure Desmarita .org Indonesia, Wednesday (11/3).

Desmarita said Emoji is believed to undermine one's confidence with her body shape. He also revealed in the petition, there is a statement saying:

"Fat that is not a feeling, but a natural form of the body, no matter how much weight a person, all forms of the body must be respected".

Desmarita reveals Facebook officially respond to the demands of the petition.

"We have heard from our communities that include 'feeling fat' as an option for status updates may cause any negative feelings about body shape, especially for those who have problems eating habit disorders," said Desmarita

Therefore, Facebook said it would remove emoji 'feeling fat' status update option from the list. They also said it will continue to listen to the input received from the public.

Previously known, Petition `Fat is Not a Feeling 'was started by Catherine Weingarten, a student at Bennington College Ohio, United States and has been supported by more than 16 thousand people and the attention in the media around the world in the last two weeks.

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