Monday, June 1, 2015

Researchers Create Chip of Wood Materials

Researchers in the United States are developing a semiconductor chip of wood that are environmentally friendly. Researchers will use wood and only use a little extra micrometer-sized non-wood materials to make these chips.

Quoted from page Sciencealert, one Angora team from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Zhenqiang Ma said the use of these chips will be more secure. If it is not used anymore, these chips can be discharged into the nature and function as fertilizer.

Currently, about 70 percent of the damaged electronic products just end up in the trash. Years ago, the electronic waste that exist in the world reached 41.8 million tons. Electronic waste is disposed of toxic chemical waste can spread to the surrounding environment.

This chip is coated with a layer of flexible and made of biodegradable cellulose nanofibril (CNF). This material is robust and transparent. This material derived from wood fiber when it is broken down and taken nanometers in size.

Ma and his team have spent ten years to do this experiment. They figure out how to get a biodegradable surface to coat the chips. They found that the CNF produce the best performance compared to petroleum-based polymers ever attempted.

"Wood merpakan natural ingredients that are hygroscopic and could pull humidity so that it can expand or shrink," said Shaqoin Gong, one of the other team members.

The team has tried repeatedly and conclude this composition could work well circuitry equivalent to the chip capabilities that already exist today. The research that has been published in the journal Nature Communications this hope these findings could be of considerable interest to offer electronics company in the future. In addition to eco-friendly materials, the team believes porduksi cost is quite cheap and can be implemented by the industrial world.

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