Friday, July 13, 2018

5 Tips on WhatsApp Is Like Inactive to Protect Privacy

WhatsApp can be used to communicate with friends or family. Sometimes, this app is also used by people you do not know to get in touch with you.

When he contacts you, he may see a profile picture or other information, so your privacy is annoyed by it. By hiding some information, including your profile or profile photo, at least the user has attempted to prevent an unknown person from seeing a description of you.

This is considered essential to prevent potential criminal acts that may occur to users. Here Okezone describes tips for WhatsApp seems inactive to protect your privacy.

Hide Status

The status in WhatsApp shows the message you are conveying to other WhatsApp users. Status text can be viewed when someone accesses a profile and views the 'About' part of the user.

So that not just anyone can see your status, then you can hide it by accessing Settings, Account, Privacy, then click About. Select Nobody so no one can see your status.

WhatsApp Status

The WhatsApp Status feature lets users share GIF text, photos, videos or animations that will disappear after 24 hours. Specifically for this feature, users can set it so that Status can only be seen by your contacts, your Contacts except, or only certain contacts can view your Status.

To set it up, users can access Settings, Accounts, Privacy, and then click Status to go to 'Status privacy'. Here you just choose the settings you want.

Remove the Blue Checkmark

The blue check marks show whether your messages have been read by other WhatsApp users or whether you have read messages sent by others.

If the user disables this feature, others do not know whether you have read the text or not and do not know whether you are in the active position or vice versa.

To remove the blue check feature, users can access Settings, Accounts, Privacy and uncheck the 'Read receipts'.

Hide Profile Photos

By hiding your profile photo, other people you do not know may think that your WhatsApp is off. To hide profile photo, user can go to Settings, Account, Privacy and find Profile photo.

Then, users just set it up whether to show photos to everyone, contacts, or not to anyone.

Not Showing 'Last Seen'

The Last Seen feature is visible to other WhatsApp users. This feature can tell others about when you last online in this instant messaging app.

To hide Last Seen, users can access Settings, Accounts, Privacy and click on Last seen. Now you can arrange for others not to see when you last online by selecting Nobody or just friends who are in the contact list, by selecting My contacts.

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