Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Zuckerbergpun Create Account Google +

Facebook's new competitor, Google +, just operate a few days but it seems that the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has made curious by his presence until he reported to participate in competing to sign up and try out Google's new social networking that.

As quoted from metro.co.uk reported more than one profile in Google + that uses the name of the founder of Facebook's Zuckerberg, including two other colleagues, and apparently the account or profile that was created by the founder of Facebook's.
One that looks (now removed), which gives time to make comments and sarcastic tone of the other accounts were found by PC Magazine says unZuckerbergishly "Hello all, I just want everyone to say that Facebook is the best and the Google + will not be able to match it."
But the third account is found to identify the figure seems more Zuckerberg himself. Account that uses images taken with a webcam from Zuckerberg's style, located in palo Alto where Facebook's headquarters is located and has a simple biographical data "I tried it".
For starters, Facebook Zuckerberg including some employees in a circle - it looks come as a friend invited him back, including senior executive director of product and co-founder Blake Ross of Firefox Browser. So although a person apart from the problem of the presence of false facebookers around him to relate to each other, then at least from those who have regular contact with Zuckerberg thinks it's her.
And second, the images used in that account that clearly did figure Zuckerberg not found anywhere on the internet except on + the address Google account (at least according to the results of the search engine TinEye image search).
+ Google Account Zuckerberg version seems to look so convincing many users of Google's initial + that his account was true - at the time of writing the news was reported almost 3,000 users have added in their network of friends.

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