Tuesday, June 25, 2013

5 Tips to a Successful Online Video

Creating a video for YouTube actually presented is not difficult. All it takes is practice and some guidance (tips) short of experts.
One of the experts who like to share a video-making instructions are Dennis Adhiswara. He is an actor, filmmaker, and CEO Layaria, an organization in which the Indonesian creative people gather, collaborate, and creativity through the medium of the web series.
Layaria YouTube is one of the partners in Indonesia.

Here are 5 tips to make online video.
1. Make a favored topic. When looking for ideas, ask yourself: "If I have money, what to do?". This question is an exercise to know the real passion or hobby. If you make a video that is not preferred, for what should bother him?
2. Sharing is caring. If you have some skills, such as cooking, knitting, and drawing, and want to be sharing with a national or global audience, do not hesitate, share it. Make a simple video and continuous, - do not stop!
3. Do not be afraid of negative comments. True, there are no original ideas left in this world. True, we have to have something different in our video. True, there have been millions of tutorials cooking. However, that is no reason to not make yourself a quality video with your unique opinions and views. There are going to hate on the internet but it is common.
4. More efficient. Not required expensive studio camera class to create its own channel on YouTube. Even simple cheap HD webcam is enough. Certainly, the equipment can be upgraded at a later date.
5. Collaborate. This is the beauty of Youtube: users can collaborate with the audience and even experts. Get more experience and knowledge by inviting loyal audience. If you want, request or accept their ideas. Better yet, make a video with them.
SECRET TIP: Make money from Youtube. Now all content producers in Indonesia could generate money based on how many views the video watchable. Is actually quite simple, but not many people realize it. If you want to learn more, click the 'partners' in the bottom of the main site Youtube.

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