Monday, October 21, 2013

Awkward iOS 7, Android Similar

iOS 7 brings a lot of changes to Apple's mobile operating system , especially in terms of appearance change is now carrying a series of icons with a flat design , with no effect emboss , drop shadow , or the like .
On the one hand , it provides a refresher for iOS that previously undergone many changes since it was first introduced appearance in 2007 , on the other hand , the flat design is considered to eliminate the characteristic that differentiates Apple from the competition platform .
The opinions expressed by David Yun , a professor at Columbia University expert design . Yun argued that in many aspects of iOS 7 managed to improve the quality of the iOS interface , but also contains a number of odd things and not consistent with Apple's design principles .

" Take the example of the parallax effect between the icon and wallpaper . Maybe that helps users understand the concept of layering of iOS interface 7 , but is it really necessary ? , " Yun said in an interview quoted by BGR .
Yun is the parallax effect , following zooming animation app / folder in iOS 7 , was reported to make users dizziness and headache .
Yun also highlights some of the graphical elements he called inconsistent . Icon for calendar app looks milinalis and modern , contrary to the design to the Settings icon .
There is also a changing typography . " I find that the hierarchy and the letter spacing is random and sometimes obscure . I do not understand why these designs do not follow Apple's approach is usually very consistent . "
iOS 7 is the first mobile operating system from Apple that the design process is handled by Jony Ive . Apple 's head of design elements skeuomorphic discard previously applied by Scott Forestall , the former in charge of the iOS division since 2007 .
Skeuomorphism is a concept that involves the design of real-world textures for use in the visual interface elements , such as texture notebook on application notes and velvet fabrics for applications Games Center in iOS 6 down .
Yun believes that Apple's move eliminates skeuomorphism were correct because the user is now able to understand how to interact with each interface element without having to be assisted by an interface similar to the real world .
However , he also criticized Apple's new design is not much different from the kind of competitor Android platform . " They're eliminating one of the best assets of Apple , which is a unique look that is very typical of Apple , changed the interface that could be easily mistaken as a Google -made . "

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