Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Control Home by Android

Hijauku, a company engaged in the field of the environment, teamed up with Konekthing to bring a smart home system.

Hezbollah Arief, co-founder of Hijauku, said that the system had the vision of bringing home a smart and green. This is in accordance with Hijauku vision to develop green technology solutions and applications.

"This system can be utilized for monitoring the energy until the security in your home or Office," said Arief found Code Margonda, Depok, Tuesday (1/10/2013).

Budiarto, CEO of Konekthing, said that through the Android-based application, users of these systems can make automatic setting according to his own preference.

This application can exemplifies prudence used to light the lamp automatically on an afternoon or evening. Then, he can also monitor the status of each device is connected.
"With it, we seem to be able to chat with each of the devices in the home," he said.

To implement this system, it takes a device that is connected to the internet. It will serve as a liaison and control sensors mounted on the electronic device in the home or Office.

Budi said, Konekthing develop their own device and the operating system that runs on it. However, it is also open to cooperation with other parties.

Developed Konekthing Android application is also open to development by a third party through the application programming interface (API) provided.

"For example, mau made game. Win, then the lights on, "said Budi.

The application can also monitor the energy usage in your home or Office that implements the system. "It could show up early warning too," said Budi.

Currently, the Hijauku and Konekthing systems are being implemented in several locations, including a restaurant in Jakarta and a housing in Depok, West Java.

This system could expect Arief helps the user to make energy savings, which will culminate in the savings in carbon emissions and help in the face of climate change.

"Indeed, it is still needed from the public consciousness to live greener. But, if no one tries to do it, how it could happen, "said Arief.

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