Thursday, February 20, 2014

Caution , Danger Lurking Smart TV

The concept of " Internet of Things " echoed a lot lately, where the devices in people's lives will be connected to the Internet . Together , it is also emerging household appliances " smart " , such as a TV or a refrigerator smart intelligent .

However , behind it there is danger lurking . Every device connected to the Internet have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers . Tools outside the computer , such as a TV , for example , were not spared from this risk . Many users are using these tools to perform important activities without being aware of the threat that exists.

This was stated by the vice president of the Southeast Asian region Symantec security agency , Eric Hoh , speaking in a press conference in 2014 Symantec Symposium at Hotel Mulia , Jakarta , Tuesday ( 18/02/2014 ) .

" For example , I often check the bank accounts through the TV because they feel comfortable with a large screen . Problem is people do not realize that their data could be stolen by hackers via an online connection , " said Hoh .

In the event of an attack , continued Hoh , hackers targeted devices are not " smart " itself , but rather the user information submitted through various online services . This information can include credit card numbers , social security , and so forth .

On the other hand , such a device is not necessarily a smart refrigerator could be easily fitted with antivirus . Software updates can be questionable sustainability . Therefore , Hoh explained that other security methods need to be implemented to reduce the risk of attacks on smart devices that connect to the internet .

" We are exploring the possibility of working with the chip manufacturer for plant security features on the processor used in smart devices . Symantec , for example , has a close relationship with Intel . We hope to spawn a product like that , " said Hoh .

By integrating security features on the chip , expected future risk of hacker attacks on TV , smart refrigerator , and the relatives can be reduced . To date , there is no harm in a little cautious when entering important information using these devices .

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