Monday, July 31, 2017

5 Easy Ways To Get Your Smartphone Longevity

Smartphone is not going to last all day, especially there is a battery that can provide power for the phone can be used. However, what happens if your phone's battery goes off? The world seems to collapse is not it?

To keep the battery stay durable even not easily damaged or bulging, needed the right way to make no mistake care.

Here Okezone summarizes from various sources how tips and tricks you can apply to preserve your battery life.

Do not Charge the Battery Overnight 
Maybe this is not very logical, but charging your phone battery all night is not healthy. The method is believed to be able to turn the battery in a state of stress. The best alternative for this is to make your phone charger within reasonable limits, at least 1-2 hours.

Turn off Unnecessary Applications 
You are crazy about social networking, but do you know if most of these applications can lead to wasteful battery? Although not every application will spend a lot of your battery. But with the development of technology, now all iOS and Android phones have a battery monitor that gives details of how much power is used by each application. Surely you can determine which app you should close or uninstall.

Turn off Vibration 
Though vibration is actually needed, but turning vibration on ringtones can actually drain power, not just produce sound. Of course vibration is very important for quieter situations such as meetings, so if you still need to use it make sure you reduce the intensity.

Turn off GPS and Other Location Services 
You may have noticed a small message that is constantly appearing on your phone, and asks if you want a particular app to track your location. Almost every app does it, and in fact it is very useful for some things but not for your phone battery that will drain power quickly. That way, you can choose how often GPS is used in the settings and selection that is really needed.

Keep Your Phone Staying Cold
If you've ever touched a mobile phone and realized it's hotter than usual, it's probably because you're using too many running apps. This sometimes happens when the device is left in direct sunlight, or a hot environment, like in a parked car. The phone will always operate in a cooler location, so try to pay attention if the phone gets hot.

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