Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Latest Research: Mobile Phone Not Killing Man

Based on the results of research National Toxicology Program (NTP) United States, shows that the use of mobile phones in the long term will not kill humans directly. The conclusion of this research titled "Cell Phones and Cancer Risk" is related to cell phone radiation that triggers cancer cells. NTP explains, exposure to radiofrequency energy generated mobile phone, is a form of non-ionization radiation.

Unlike ionizing radiation, radio frequency does not cause DNA damage that can cause cancer. Non-ionization radiation consistently causes biological effects, ie, increase in temperature in the tissues. Therefore, the network adjacent to the mobile antenna will absorb radiofrequency energy. NTP used mice in radiofrequency radiation exposure (RFR) experiments, which were divided into two groups, those exposed to RFR and those not. The result, both groups of mice have the same health. Several mice exposed to high-dose RFRs were able to survive longer and others die faster.

There is no consistent evidence currently showing an increased risk of non-ionizing cancer ", explains senior NTP researcher Dr. John Bucher.

No consistent evidence The study, published in the National Cancer Institute's official website, also included several previous studies from different researchers.

In line with Bucher's remarks, the US Food and Drug Administration also said that if most human epidemiological studies fail to show the relationship between RFR exposure and health problems.

Three-quarter money, the European Comission Scientific Committee also showed no increased risk of brain tumors or other cancers in the head and neck. They add, the study did not indicate an increased risk of dangerous diseases, including cancer in children. However, different research results actually found California Department of Public Health last December 2017.

Summarized KompasTekno from the Times, Monday (12/3/2018), the use of mobile phones in the long term can lead to some types of cancer and other adverse health effects. These include brain cancer, acoustic nerve tumors and salivary glands, decreased sperm production, headache, decreased learning concentration, memory loss, and sleep disturbance.

Watch out for carcinogenic activities Long-term use of mobile phones is not without a bad effect at all. Bucher highlights the presence of carcinogenic activity that can trigger cancer risk when using mobile phones, which results in high RFR exposure. However, there are several ways to reduce it, as described in the following two pages.

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