Monday, July 8, 2013

Survey 4 "Smartphone "iPhone 5 the Most" Ugly "

Social media analyst firm We Are Social to announce the results of a survey of today's most popular smartphones. From this survey, it is known that the Apple smartphone, the iPhone 5, is the most censured aka most negative criticism.
IPhone 5 value obtained twice as many of the best sequences in the category, Samsung Galaxy S4. iPhone 5 to get negative criticism as much as 20 percent, while only 11 percent Galaxy S4.
After iPhone 5, followed by BlackBerry Z10 and Lumia 920 who scored "condemnation" of 18 percent and 15 percent.
According to We Are Social, most users of social media giving negative criticism about the new power connector (lightning connector), does not accurately map the Apple Maps application, and how similar to the previous generation iPhone 5. 

"Brand often receive criticism for their new product because it does not offer something completely new compared to the previous generation," said Ed Kitchingman, Senior Analyst at We Are Social, as quoted from dailymail, Friday (05/07/2013).

Galaxy S4 was released with a myriad of new features. Therefore, no wonder the "inhabitants" of the world of social networking features lots of talk about the new. According Kitchingman, Samsung has the "wow factor" to attract 56 percent of social networking users to continue to discuss the new features it has.
As for Apple with its iPhone 5 just managed to "pull" 29 percent of people in the world to talk about social networking.
Even so, Apple managed to create its own excitement at the launch of the iPhone 5. This is evident from the number of social networking users are talking about the iPhone 5, which reached 1.7 million.
The value is in sharp contrast from the launch of the BlackBerry Z10 which reached 300,000, with 140,000 Galaxy S4, and Lumia 920 with 45,000.
We Are Social was also revealed, Apple is still the companies with the most loyal users, as many as 42 per cent.
By We Are Social Survey is conducted by way of scan and search for relevant topics through Twitter, blogs, and forums as well, following the launch of four top-class phone, the iPhone 5 in September 2012, the Galaxy S4 in March 2013, BlackBerry Z10 in January 2013, and Lumia 920 in September 2012.

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