Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Five Android Application Specific Ramadhan

The month of Ramadhan has arrived. Sure to Muslims need to know when Imsak guide, schedule praying or something else related to fasting.
Here are some android applications which can be downloaded fast linked in Play Store if we search the keyword "fast schedule" or "schedule Imsak":
1. Imsakiyah schedule 1434H / 2013
Gawegawe Studio application contains Imsak schedule, Dawn, Rising, mid-morning, noon, Ashar, Maghrib and Isha in a schedule table full month of Ramadhan.
If already installed this application, it can be opened even no access to the Internet. There are approximately 409 counties, 1 district administration, 93 cities, and 5 of administration are available in Indonesia in Indonesia Imsakiyah Applications version 1.0 is. 

But to know the schedule, we should be looking town, until quite difficult if the city is under the goal. When we exit the app and reopen, we should choose the destination city back.
This is because the application does not teach for using the internet is opening up does not automatically menditeksi hp existence.
2. Fasting schedule 2013
This application is similar to the schedule Imsakiyah 1434H / 2013 only tampilannnya just different. As Imsakiyah schedule 1434H / 2013, 2013 Fast Schedules not require an internet connection (OFFLINE), and sourced from the Indonesian Ministry of Religion. But in choosing a location somewhat easier.
Once we determine the purpose of the city and then close the application, then if we reopen the final purpose of fasting schedule that will open.

3. Sholat schedule Indonesia
Mentioned, GITS Indonesia app helps you learn the prayers in Indonesian schedule, so you can worship and maximal running well.
By using your current location, the app is able to determine the prayer schedule is equipped with alarms that can be set freely.
If you see "screenshoot", there telihat Imsak. But once installed, no Imsak schedule. Not known why this happens.

4. Ramadan companion
UPLOAD SERVICE APP application contains several menus namely:
* Friends of Ramadan (among other matters or procedures related to the meaning of fasting, zakat fitrah, id prayers and Nona) * Schedule Imsakiyah * Preferred Ramadan

5. Expand Where
OnebitMobileBuka application will show where the closest Iftar from our position. This application will find restaurants and eateries to open fast
Mentioned application was developed using the API of Urbanesia - city services directory with more than 220,000 businesses in Jakarta and Indonesia
BukaDimana can be used anywhere Urbanesia is:
1. Jakarta 2. Bandung3. Surabaya, 4. Jogjakarta 
5. Medan
6. Bali

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