Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Best Solar Energy Absorbing aluminum

 Scientists from Rice University in the U.S. revealed that aluminum can be much more valuable than gold and silver for a particular application .

Scientists found that aluminum has a nanoparticle or nanostructure optical resonance in the region show a broader spectrum than gold or silver . Thus, aluminum may be a good material to absorb solar energy .

For other applications , aluminum optical devices suitable for large and as expensive to produce material with metal coins . Researchers conducted a study in Houston , United States .

Until recently, aluminum has not been considered useful for applications ' plasmonic ' . Aluminum can naturally undergo oxidation ( incorporation of a substance with oxygen ) , so the possibility can cause rust which is a form of chemical weathering .

" The reason we use gold and silver is that they do not oxidize . However , with aluminum , nature has given us something we can use , " says researcher Peter Nordlander , as quoted by Xinhuanet , Tuesday ( 03/12/2013 ) .

He further revealed , in addition to being inexpensive materials , aluminum shows the effect of a larger quantum mechanics . This provides more benefits , easily accessible and more precise than gold or silver . The new findings appear in the Journal of the American Chemical Society

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