Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dangers Behind Whatsapp Gold

Never get a chain messages on Whatsapp Gold? We recommend that you ignore the message. In his message, there is a link that, when clicked, the user will be redirected to a website. Reportedly the website has a number of malware that can endanger the safety of mobile phones.

As reported by the Shot List, Tuesday (05/24/2015), Whatsapp Gold lure users with access to multiple accounts of celebrities. Besides the fake update promises several features such as play videos smoothly, can send 100 photos in one kick and allowed to delete messages after they are sent.

There is also WhatsApp Plus Gold is an unofficial third-party applications that can add various features regular WhatsApp. The application is not present in the app store like PlayStore, but spread through non-official website.

By visiting the website listed in the message broadcast, data and account information Whatsapp users can be tracked by hackers who previously had infiltrated the website with malware and malicious virus. Dikhawatrikan the data and information collected abused, exploited, and used in a crime.

Until now, it is unclear who first spread and control of the website. Currently, the website only displays 'error 404'. However, in order to avoid unwanted things should not ever try to click it. Whatsapp official update is only available through app stores trusted in every operating system and Whatsapp official website.

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