Monday, May 30, 2016

New Study Reveals Impact of Cell Phone Radiation

A study was made National Taxicology Program managed to uncover the relationship between mobile phone use and cancer. The relationship was found with experimental male mice exposed to cell phone emission frequency.

The rats exposed to mobile phone radiation tested nine hours a day. Eleven of the 540 rats had malignant brain tumor development. While 19 of the 540 mice had tumor growth of the heart which can also be found on the acoustic nerve. While mice in the control group that was not exposed to cell phone radiation, did not reveal any signs of tumor growth.

Previously said the type of radiation given off by mobile phone, not the same types that cause cancer because it is considered too weak to change the DNA. But the facts show that the tumor is found in some male rats which are part of the new tests. Some scientists also say that the chance of tumor development.

"This finding was unexpected, we did not expect non-ionizing radiation cause tumors. This is an example of why serious studies are very important in evaluating the risk of cancer," said Otis Brawley, chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, as reported by Phone Arena, Monday (30/5 / 2016).

According to the Wall Street Journal report, the tests involving rats to test radiation signal on GSM and CDMA handsets in the range of 900 MHz to 1900 MHz rats and mice for the small size. They are exposed to radiation every 10 minutes for more than 18 hours a day.

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