Tuesday, October 7, 2014

4 Features You Need To Know Honey

Honey is a natural sweetener that is special. Since the last centuries honey has been used in the medical world. Know what is distinctive honey for the body.

1 Relieves cough 
Honey can be a lifesaver in winter. Based on health studies in children and adolescents, it is superior honey to relieve symptoms of cough and improve the quality of children's sleep. The study compared the effect of honey against honey-flavored cough suppressant dextrometropan the 100 children who have the flu. No wonder the WHO also incorporate honey into a sweet liquid that can protect the throat and reduces irritation.

2 Treating wounds 
Honey has long had a reputation as a healer. It is found in the record of the year 2100-2000 BC in the Sumerian mention honey as a function of drug and ointment.
In New Zealand there is Manuka honey from bees that pollinate naturally manuka bush. Usefulness good enough for patients with wounds and ulcers scratched. In addition to antibacterial content, honey is also soothing.

All types of honey are also actually efficacious. The study, published in the British Journal of Surgery, researchers said Nigeria used honey to cure 59 patients with acute gastritis. Almost all improved and infected wounds and ulcers are healed about a week since the use of honey.

3 Overcoming dandruff 
Benefits of honey for beauty has long been known. One is to overcome stubborn dandruff and itchy, especially due to the fungus. Way too easy, simply apply a mixture of honey on the scalp every day for several weeks. Itching and sores on the scalp can be cured.

4 Improving the energy 
There is a misconception that carbohydrates are not good for the body. Indeed, every healthy foods including fruits, vegetables and nuts contain karbihidrat. After all, the digestive system require glucose which sends energy to the cells, tissues, and organs.

Honey as much as 17 grams of carbohydrates per teaspoon can be a source of food that can help get rid of the sense of lethargy. Honey can also be used as a snack before or after exercise. In addition to a source of carbohydrates, honey is also a source of energy that does not make your blood sugar and insulin levels fluctuate last longer.

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