Thursday, October 16, 2014

What special thing Android Lollipop 5.0

Google finally announced the official name of the new Android operating system, version 5.0 as "Lollipop" on Wednesday (10/15/2014). New features what Google introduced in this new mobile operating system?

According to Google, Lollipop created for use in a world where interaction is done everyday need different devices. "With more and more devices are connected, then you hope that all devices will support each other," wrote Google in its official blog.

In a posting on its official blog, Google mentions that the Lollipop, the user can still continue the activities that previously abandoned even performed on different devices.

For example, users will still be able to continue playing the songs from one device to another, view photos, launch applications, and even keyword searches performed with an Android device.

Thus, as users get the same experience when actually using the different tools. That is the approach by Google called the Materials Design.

Materials display interface design using design icons more flats with color and typography bolder than previous Android versions. Google also claims that the new interface is more responsive to touch and sound.

Content contained in the device can be accessed and executed more easily and quickly because it is more responsive, both to the touch and sound. The transition between the task at hand is also promised a more seamless system.

Another plus, Lollipop provides a special setting to set the notification from anyone who would like to display. Thus, the user will only see the notification of any desired contact on the screen lockscreen.

Battery life is also the area that gets noticed by Google in Lollipop platform. Google claims the new battery-saving features in the Lollipop, the battery life of devices that run can last 90 minutes longer than the previous platform (4.4 KitKat).

Lastly, in the security sector, Google added a new feature in addition to PINs, passwords, and patterns, namely Smart Lock security. The feature works by making other objects believed to be the "key" opener of smartphones, such as watches or cars.

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