Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Just Takes 60 Seconds Battery It Could Fill Full Smartphone

Researchers in the United States developed a rechargeable battery of aluminum. They claim the prototype of this battery can recharge the smartphone within 60 seconds. In addition, the battery is claimed to be environmentally friendly, durable, and less expensive.

"We have developed a rechargeable battery that can replace aluminimum ulag existing storage devices such as alkaline batteries or lithium ion batteries are sometimes burned," said one team chemical ali Hongjie Dai of Stanford University, as quoted Sciencealert.

The new technology is an achievement which has already been developed by scientists for decades. Batteries of aluminum is predicted to be widely used because they are cheap and abundant material.
During this time, the manufacture of aluminum battery is hampered in the selection of appropriate materials for the cathode. Fortunately, this problem has now been solved by accident. They use graphite or carbon for use sebgaai cathode.

In a study conducted, the team identifies the type of carbon that can provide maximum performance. The team put the anode aluminimum, along with cathode electrolyte solution gratit in saline solution. The device is then placed into the container polymer.

Once the tool is designed, they then try this prototype to recharge some smartphones. Magically, apparently it can fully charge the battery for 60 seconds. These findings are compared bersar progress charging lithium ion battery. Aluminum ion batteries can hold more than 7500 cycles of filling. Meanwhile, lithium ion battery can only hold about 1000 cycles.

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