Wednesday, January 7, 2015

This How To Keep Eye Health in the Age of Gadgets

Today, most people no day without at the computer or gadget. This condition, impact on tired eyes.

How to keep your eyes healthy condition?

First, rest. Staring at the screen for too long can cause the eyes to become strained. When the eyes begin to feel tired, do a small break, like a small walk or divert your views on other objects

Two, providing computer distance. Staring at the screen too close not only affect the health of the eye. Back and neck area can feel sore. For that give the distance between the seat with the screen. Create a position as comfortable as possible so you do not have to work extra with craned necks on the monitor because the object on the monitor that is not clearly visible.

Three, relax the muscles of the eye by rubbing the palms of the hand-rubbing will then produce the effect of heat, then place the fingers of the hand that feels the heat on the area above the eyes. The body heat will make the eye muscles become more relaxed.

Four, set the screen brightness. Try not to be too light, so that your eyes do not feel tired. Five, use an anti-glare glasses if necessary. This is done so that the eye is always protected from exposure to light is too contrasting.

Six, massaging the eye. Another way is more comfortable is routine massage the eye at bedtime. Try massaging movement of the eyelids gently in a circular motion for about two minutes so that the eye muscles are not tense.

Seven, blinking. This is the simplest way to refresh the eyes. When you feel tired, try to blinking eye to restore fitness. And lastly make it a habit to check the health of the eye.

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