Friday, April 7, 2017

6 Best Foods for Lowering Cholesterol Evil in the Body

There are two types of cholesterol in our body. HDL cholesterol, or good cholesterol and LDL is known as bad cholesterol.

Having high HDL cholesterol levels are considered very healthy, whereas when LDL cholesterol is high, it is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

It because of LDL cholesterol tend to clump and harden the arteries. HDL cholesterol LDL cholesterol issuing from the arteries to the liver for disposal. HDL cholesterol is also known to protect you against any kind of damage to the blood vessels.

In other words, you need to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and maintain HDL cholesterol kada. Certain foods known to lower LDL cholesterol in the body, so it needs to be incorporated into the daily diet menu.

Here are the main foods that will help lower levels of bad cholesterol in the body as quoted from page Boldsky:

A study found that people who ate avocado has 14 mg reduction / dL LDL cholesterol levels than those who did not eat avocado. So, there is another reason to enjoy this delicious green fruit.

People who eat oatmeal experienced a 5 percent drop in total cholesterol levels. In addition, they also experienced a 10 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol levels.

Eating 10 grams of almonds before breakfast significantly increased HDL cholesterol levels in the body. So, now you know what a healthy snack in the office yes.

Nuts are full of soluble fiber and help those who are trying to lose weight. As a bonus, your LDL cholesterol level will also go down naturally.

Eating Soy is a powerful way to lower cholesterol naturally. Eating 25 grams of soy protein per day can lower LDL cholesterol nearly 5-6 percent.

fatty fish
Eat 2-3 fish a week can lower LDL cholesterol levels effectively. As is known, the fish containing HDL cholesterol increase the unsaturated fat.

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