Friday, March 28, 2014

Want Younger , This Way

Nutritionist and model , Katherine Elyse Blake uncover the secret of youth associated with the food you eat . Get rid of sugary foods , refined and change your diet .
" Food is the most important factor to keep skin looking young and radiant . Was believed , sugar is one stessor that cause skin problems such as acne . Sugar can also improve the appearance of wrinkles , " he said as reported by between Wednesday ( 26/3 )

He explained that the lack of nutrients in the thinner skin layer , can reduce the regeneration of the skin , increasing the damage that leads to the signs of aging and reduce the levels of collagen protein .

According to him , a slight change in diet and lifestyle can slow down the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the skin . For example , drink more water , avoid processed foods and switch to whole grain carbohydrates .

" Aging is a natural and inevitable process , but there are precautions we can do , such as lifestyle changes that can help us slow it down , " Katherine said as quoted by Female First .

Then , he continued , the skin is the most widespread organ in our body and is essential to keep it healthy , well-maintained and hydrated .

" By following these tips , you can do the proper steps to improve your overall health and slow down the signs of aging , " said Katherine .

Here are some tips ala Katherine to withstand the appearance of wrinkles :

1 . Avoid adding sugar to foods and sugary drinks such as cereal , tea and coffee .

2 . Reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates in your diet and replace it with brown rice and beans . Squash and sweet potatoes are also a good substitute .

3 . Drink plenty of water . Place a water bottle near your workplace and bring a water bottle in your bag . It will keep your skin well hydrated .

4 . Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for healthy skin . These acids keep your skin strong and full of moisture . Foods rich in Omega 3 in them , avocados , fish oil , olive oil and crude palm oil .

5.Teh green is a must for skin rejuvenation . Substances catechins found in it help prevent collagen intake stops and activates skin cells to die .

6 . Berries contain antioxidants that protect the skin from damage . Try to eat within a few days .

7 . Brazil nuts are packed with selenium can help produce glutathione antioxidant that can repair damaged skin cells . Selenium is also good to keep the acne -free skin .

8 . Kale can increase the levels of collagen in your skin and resist the appearance of wrinkles . Try to eat kale raw or steamed to retain its antioxidants .

9 . Melon is great for skin elasticity . 175 grams of melon contains the RDA of vitamins A and C that can stimulate collagen .

10 . Tomatoes are packed with lycopene and vitamin C is great for producing collagen and skin protection .

11 . Yogurt is beneficial for skin glowing . Dull-looking skin can be caused by an imbalance in the digestive tract .

Try to do a simple lifestyle changes - keeping stress to a minimum and exercise when you can quit smoking . Take care of your skin . Even when the weather is bad , pakaialah moisturizer with SPF and when the weather , make sure you use the shades to protect the delicate skin around your eyes .

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