Friday, October 26, 2018

Republika Soft Launching the Ihram Application

Republika's Ihram application that focuses on Hajj and Umrah information has an effort in the process of transparent and accountable hajj and umrah departure. Now the Ihram application offers various Umrah travel packages.

Pilgrims can easily choose a safe Umrah departure package. Because, there have been many incidents of potential pilgrims who failed to leave due to being deceived by travel or prospective pilgrims have paid in full but did not leave for the Holy Land.

"So this application is for Muslims who want to worship Umrah more easily and safely. We can create an application that hopefully can be used," Republika President Director Agus Yusron said in the soft launching of the Ihram Application at Republika Office, South Jakarta, Thursday (25/10).

Republika's Ihram Project Manager, Suherdi Riki, said this application was a development of the previous Ihram application. The application that launched today is the second stage by including e-commerce functions, namely the Hajj and Umrah package transactions.

Republika will notify prospective pilgrims to make payments. However, Republika will hold the payment. The payment reaches the travel hand after the pilgrims depart by travel.

Xeranta Heru Hariyanto, Chief Executive Officer as partner of Ihram Republika, explained about the security of Hajj and Umrah package transactions through the Ihram Application. Heru said, this application uses a joint account system that makes transactions safer.

"So the pilgrims or consumers can buy, pay, the funds are not directly transferred to the travel bureau. It is ensured that the pilgrims leave and go home then the funds are transferred to the travel agency," he explained.

After payment is made by prospective pilgrims, then Republika will notify travel about the prospective pilgrims for Umrah. Then, the process will all take place between prospective pilgrims with travel.

In addition, Heru also said through the Ihram Application, prospective pilgrims would cut the initial administration process. According to him, prospective pilgrims can complete initial documents such as ID cards by uploading them to the application.

Heru said, currently travel that has been registered as a partner of Republika is 15 companies. All of them are registered in the Ministry of Religion and the association of Hajj and Umrah in Indonesia.

"Now we have 15 travels that are only soft launching, so in the future we are optimistic that we can add every 20 months to travel," Heru said.

He explained, at this time the interest of the Muslim community in Indonesia was very high to make umrah trips. Heru said, around 850 thousand worshipers left Umrah in 2017. Then this year, it is estimated that Umrah pilgrims who will depart for the Holy Land can penetrate the number of one million worshipers.

Heru added, development will continue. In addition to the Umrah and Hajj travel packages there will be features for Umrah and Hajj equipment and souvenirs that will be provided by the Prayer Matrix. There are also other Muslim worship equipment such as prayer equipment at a more affordable price.

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